The Tanzania Agribusiness Window (TZAW) was established to support agricultural businesses in Tanzania to support smallholder farmers to increase their productivity and income.
Funded by UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) and the Swedish International Cooperation Development Agency (Sida), the programme selected 52 portfolio companies across a range of value chains and made available US$ 38.9 million, dispensed through grant and repayable grant mechanisms over the past ten years in four competitions.

The Tanzania Agribusiness Window (TZAW) seeks to address challenges of the availability, acceptability, affordability, and accessibility
of agricultural produce and products. The programme does this by improving food supply chains, improving inputs services, and
proving that the processing infrastructure can be made available in rural and remote areas to serve populations in urban regions.
2021 was the penultimate year of TZAW, and it was a year in which we consolidated results and harvested lessons. In this period, we learned the importance of a firm policy and that political response was vital to addressing COVID-19’s impact in Tanzania. Many of our investee operations saw significant operational challenges that would have depressed growth or business viability. We were able to limit the exposure of COVID-19 to our investee companies by successfully deploying tailored technical advisory services that helped the businesses better navigate the shocks.