Investing in Women in Benin and Burkina Faso

  • Crosscutting Themes

    Investing in Women's Entrepreneurship for a Greener Economy in Benin and Burkina Faso

Investing in Women’s Entrepreneurship for a Greener Economy in Benin and Burkina Faso is a six-year gender equity and economic inclusion program implemented by AECF with funding from Global Affairs Canada.

The Programme aims to economically empower women as entrepreneurs in sectors with a high positive impact on the climate in the fields of technological innovation, digital technology, small farmers, producers, processors, handicraft, and trade in order to remove the barriers that prevent them from contributing to the development of their activities.

    Window 1: Investments in SMEs and FIs

    Window 1 – Investment in SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and FIs (Financial Institutions and Financial Services Intermediaries) is part of the Investing in Women’s Entrepreneurship for a Greener Economy in Benin  programme, a C$16 million programme funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC).

    This component of the fund includes repayable and non-repayable grants totalling C$7.5 million. The programme, implemented by the AECF, aims to strengthen women’s economic autonomy by promoting their participation in traditional and non-traditional sectors.

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    Window 2: Investment in Women's Cooperatives and Associations

    Window 2 – Investment in Cooperatives and Women’s Associations is a component of  the Investing in Women’s Entrepreneurship for a Greener Economy in Benin and Burkina Faso (IIW B&BF) program, a CAD$16 million program funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC). This component of the fund includes non-repayable grants to cooperatives working with women in Benin and/or Burkina Faso, for a total amount of C$1.5 million.  

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