Renewable Energy

PROSSEV Burkina Faso

The Promotion of Solar Solutions to Stimulate Green Employment in Burkina Faso (PROSSEV-BF) is a EUR 2.2 million initiative, financed by the Luxembourg Cooperation through LuxDev, which provides a combination of grants and technical assistance to private companies with the ambition to green their production facilities.

Implemented by the AECF, PROSSEV-BF supports private companies (SMEs) whose ambition is to promote solar installations and equipment for captive use within their activity; and which also demonstrate that the greening of their production units can lead to the creation of jobs for local populations.

This project is implemented mainly in 2 regions (Centre region and Hauts-Bassins region) and it is part of the support to the sustainable management of the resources program, financed by the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and implemented by LuxDev, aimed  at supporting private sector initiatives in the energy transition of key sectors of the national economy towards a greener and more inclusive economy.

Beneficiaries will have to demonstrate their ability to co-finance the solar systems they acquire.

  • Objectives
    • Promote solar installations for productive use for companies with high potential for job creation in Burkina Faso by facilitating their access to finance.
    • To encourage job creation by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs)/Small and Medium-sized Industries (SMIs) that are beneficiaries of the project and that have the ambition to green their production processes and systems.
    • Facilitate the installation of quality solar systems that relieve contractors from power outages and stabilize their economic activities by providing reliable energy.
  • Geography

    The project is intended for private companies operating in the Centre region and the Haut-Bassins region of Burkina Faso. The capitals of these regions are Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso respectively. All companies active in urban and rural areas of these 2 regions are targeted.

  • Target Beneficiaries

    The final beneficiaries of this financing are private companies (SMEs/SMIs) whose ambition is to promote and finance the installation of solar technological equipment for productive use in order to green and optimize their production systems. These companies must be able to demonstrate that the greening of their production units can lead to the creation of jobs in their value chains. Target companies must operate, but are not limited to, in one or more of the following agricultural and agribusiness sectors and value chains:

    • Value chains of non-timber forest products (shea, desert date palm, locust bean, moringa, tamarind, baobab, honey and its derivatives, etc.);
    • Fisheries production and processing;
    • Mango Value Chain;
    • Rice value chain;
    • Market gardening value chain;
    • Livestock, poultry and other livestock products value chain;
    • Oil palm value chain;
    • Waste recovery;
    • Cotton value chain.
  • Types of support complementary to the grant

    The technical assistance offer includes:

    • Provision of targeted technical assistance to beneficiary companies. This technical support is mainly intended for SMEs/SMIs under contract under this project, and which would present gaps in one or more sectors of their activities. The goal is to fill these operational gaps and make these companies more efficient in order to achieve the impact objectives set.
    • Cross-company learning in portfolio companies through open-source networks, industry associations, and other instruments. This learning also involves a workshop to connect and share experiences between all the companies in the portfolio
  • Expected impact

    Quantitatively, the project essentially aims to achieve at least the following results:

      • 25 private companies (SMEs/SMIs) whose facilities are subsidized.
      • 5 companies installing solar systems and productive solar technologies are qualified to carry out the various installations of the project.
      • 175 new direct and indirect jobs created by companies and across their value chains.
  • Disclaimer

    The AECF does not ask for any sort of payment at any point in the application process.

Termsheet: Solar system installation companies

Termsheet: Private companies (Small and Medium Enterprises/ Small and Medium Industries)

Project Brief

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