Media centre
PEBCO BETHESDA and RENACA-Benin Secure Funding to Advance Women’s Financial Inclusion and Green Economy in Benin
GEF announces $20 million investment in climate adaption innovators
AECF Launches Second Round of Funding to Empower Women’s Agricultural Cooperatives in Kano
AECF, Rafiki Microfinance Bank Ltd and CREAW launch the Samawati Fund
AECF lance un programme d’autonomisation des femmes au Bénin
Digital fund application for women-owned businesses case study: Investing in Women in the Blue Economy sector
Annual Report 2022-2023
Bridging the gap: Empowering women for a prosperous tomorrow
AECF launches a programme to help SMEs in Sudan
Growing Women’s Entrepreneurship in Somalia for Impact
Improving farmers’ access to quality seeds
The AECF LLC announces the appointment of Ada Osakwe to the Board of Directors
Introduction to AECF’s renewable energy portfolio
Tanzania Agribusiness Window (TZAW): 12 years of lasting Impact
Tanzania Agribusiness Window (TZAW): The RealIPM Story
Tanzania Agribusiness Window (TZAW): The Live Support Systems Ltd Story
Tanzania Agribusiness Window: Africasia beneficiary
TZAW: The DSM Corridor Group Story
FIG Somalia beneficiary Luul Abshir Mohamed
Nurturing hope for displaced populations and host communities in Kenya
Powering rural households with solar solutions in Ethiopia – The Winsol Green Power story
Investing in Women in the Blue Economy in Kenya Programme – IIW BEK
REACT Household Solar: The transformative power of Technical Assistance
REACT Household Solar end of programme reflections
Giving soils a new lease of life
The AECF LLC announces the appointment of Frank N. J. Braeken as the Chair of the Board of Directors
Africa’s role in global goal of tripling renewable energy capacity
Lean data insights: Aggregate Report
The AECF LLC announces the appointment of Adidjatou Hassan to the Board of Directors
Breaking Ground: Empowering Women for Sustainable Agriculture in Kano
AECF launches a programme to empower women in the agriculture sector in Kano State, Nigeria
Promoting Gender-Smart Energy Solutions in Burkina Faso: Empowering Women and Advancing Sustainability
Finance for Inclusive Growth – Mid Term Assesment
AECF launches programme to empower women in Kenya’s blue economy
AECF launches programme to empower women in Kenya’s blue economy
Powering Rural Africa with Household Solar Solutions
Nurturing hope for displaced populations and host communities in Kenya
Let us recycle plastic e-waste, end pollution
Technology is freeing women one step at a time
Empowering Sub-Saharan Africa women pushing innovation limits
Invest in innovative digital enterprises to unlock Africa’s transformation
Farmers reap big from Kisarawe Dry Port
The Tanzanian Agriculture sector enabling environment for key value chains in 2022
The Real alternative: Marketing bio-technologies with smallholder farmers across Tanzania
Pioneering AgTech solutions for smallholder farmers in Tanzania and beyond – The mFarming model
Investing in Agri-processing for resilient food systems
AAW: Investee Showcase
AAW: End of programme report
AECF and AFAWA partner to unlock the entrepreneurial capacity of women-led enterprises in Africa
Private sector investments transforming Tanzania’s agricultural sector
Clean cooking businesses in Tanzania to get financial and technical assistance
The Tanzanian Agriculture sector enabling environment for key value chains in 2022
Galvanizing smallholder farmers to access new markets through high quality vegetable seeds
Annual Report 2021
Mobile solution defends farmers in the fight against counterfeit agro-inputs
Capacity Statement: Agribusiness
Unlocking transport bottlenecks in Tanzania
The AECF pivots private sector interventions to unlock opportunities for refugees and host communities
The journey towards enhancing the advocacy capacity of the Mozambican Renewable Energy Association
Mobilising the private sector in the fight against counterfeit agro-inputs
AECF Launches Business Competition to Support South Sudan’s Women in Agriculture
#SEforALL Forum: AECF CEO on the importance of patient capital in supporting SMEs
Introductory Statement
Capacity Statement: Renewable and Clean Energy
IFC-Supported KKCF Business Competition Announces Winners to Drive Development in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Hosting Area
IPCC 2022 report on climate impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: What’s at stake for Africa?
Nkwanzi: Unleashing the potential of African women in the renewable energy sector
The Implication of the Russia-Ukraine Invasion on Food systems in Africa
Promoting Renewable Energy in Mozambique
AECF’s Impact in sub-Saharan Africa
Cyclone Ana: RECAPO rises above the storm to power up clients
Advancing AECF’s fight against climate change
More funding and a clear policy environment are needed to stimulate the private sector to innovate clean and improved cooking technologies in Sub-Saharan Africa
IFC and AECF Launch Second Round of Business Competition to Support Kenyan Refugee Area
AECF Launches Results Based Financing Programme for Clean Energy Companies
Zvikomborero Farms
EthioChicken PLC
Renewable energy businesses in Somalia to get financial and technical assistance
IFC/AECF Competition Announces Winners to Support Growth in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Area
AECF Launches US $8.5Million Grant to support Clean Energy Businesses in Somalia
Banks in Somalia to boost financial inclusion for women and youth.
AACE Food Processing and Distribution Limited
LIB Solar
Ethio Chicken PLC
Solar Outshines Kerosene Lanterns as Rural Community turn to Green Energy for Lighting
Clean Energy Lights up Lives in Western Kenya
REACT SSA Funding in Zimbabwe
Tosheka Textile Bags Ksh. 8 Million on Lion’s Den, Kenya.
Off Grid Electric Tanzania Ltd
Research on Solar Pumps Promises Better Tidings
Solar lamps, stoves and mobile phone chargers changing villagers’ lives in East Africa
Africa Goes to Work on the Egg
Supporting women-led businesses in Zimbabwe
From One Crate of Tomatoes to Three
Just Add Water: A Maji Milele Story
Rural women lighting the way for solar energy products
Women Adopt Grass Farming for Sustainable Incomes in Rural Kenya
From solar irons to shavers, off-grid power push aims to light up incomes
Tosheka Textile Visits India
Women’s leadership key to business growth
Kola Masha Bags 2017 Skoll Award
Avocado-growing improves livelihoods for smallholder farmers in Tanzania
Youth in Kenya adapting agriculture as an income Generating Activity
AGRF Summit: AECF CEO calls for support to local agribusiness entrepreneurs
AECF participates in high-level African Energy Forum in Burkina Faso
Daniel Ohonde appointed New CEO of Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF)
With solar water, trees grow into a sturdy business in Western Kenya
Launch of The AECF Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Change Technologies (REACT) Household Solar Window
AECF launches Competition targeting Private Sector in Renewable Energy in Burkina Faso
The EU boosts the Somali private sector by opening access to finance
REACT SSA Funding in Ethiopia
AECF, IFC Launch Global Competition for Private Sector and Social Enterprises in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Hosting Area
AECF Announces Leadership Change
Funding ideas for agricultural resilience
The AECF at the Centre of Powering Africa Agenda
Message from The Rt. Hon. the Lord Paul Boateng at the Launch of the Women Economic Empowerment Initiative
Going beyond a wish and a promise
Powering Agro based industrial Value Chains in sub-Saharan Africa
Financing Private Sector to accelerate access to transformative Solar Home Systems in Somalia
Kilifi Moringa: Social Entrepreneur Competing for the Chivas Venture Award
Rethinking the Investment Attractiveness of Clean and Energy Efficient Cooking Solutions.
It takes an entire eco-system to empower a woman
Building resilience for improved livelihoods and sustainable markets in Africa
Bridging the funding gap: Seeds for Impact
A Reason to Smile for African Rural Communities
Renewable Energy in Zimbabwe
Letter from the Chair
CEO 2018 Message
A Window of Opportunity for Women in Agribusiness
Digital Solutions: How renewable energy enterprises can adapt to COVID-19 disruptions
Enhancing Human Capital in Small and Medium Enterprises for Sustainable Impact
Private Sector Off Grid Solutions: Bridging Grid Electricity Supply Gap in Ouagadougou
Bridging the Financing Gap for Women in Agribusiness
Business continuity plans critical during COVID-19
Rural Women get Cheaper Water in Turkana, Kenya
Digital solutions for agribusiness companies during COVID-19
REACT Household Solar Funding: Transforming rural households with off- grid solar power solutions
Renewable Energy in Africa: Extending farmer access to energy sustains enterprise and growth
Annual Report 2020
Digital solutions for agribusiness companies during COVID-19
The impact of financing business models on access to solar home systems and women’s financial inclusion
Business continuity plans critical during COVID-19
The EU boosts the Somali private sector by opening access to finance
Driving Financial Inclusion Through Renewable Energy
AECF Launches US $8.5Million Grant to support Clean Energy Businesses in Somalia
Doing Business During COVID-19
Mainstreaming Lessons From Adaptive Agriculture In The ASALs
AECF, IFC Launch Global Competition for Private Sector and Social Enterprises in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Hosting Area
Scaling-Up Mini-Grids For Rural Electrification
AECF confirms Chief Executive Officer
Digital Solutions: How renewable energy enterprises can adapt to COVID-19 disruptions
AECF launches REACT Kenya Relief Fund
COVID-19 reinforces importance of off-grid energy as essential service
AECF announces new board members
CEO joins DFI leaders for Dalberg Covid-19 webinar
Statement on COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Seeds for Impact Program announces competition winners
The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund (AECF) Announces Appointment of New Board of Directors
Levelling the Playing Field for All
AECF launches a £16 million Competition to fund businesses promoting Household Solar Systems to Rural Markets in sub-Saharan Africa
Annual Report 2019
Annual Report 2018
Opportunité de financement pour le secteur privé dans les énergies renouvelables au Mali
Women’s economic participation in B’Ayoba
Registering and Certifying Agricultural Inputs in Tanzania
Private sector investment in fragility – lessons from post conflict projects
Maximizing the Impact of Out-grower Schemes: Opportunities, challenges, and lessons
Creating opportunities for decent work in the AECF’s agribusiness portfolio
Impact Report 2017