AECF is implementing a project funded by the Government of Sweden, to support market-based approaches for clean cooking in the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Tanzania Clean Cooking Project (TCCP) is a US$3.75 million three-year project that aims to catalyse the clean cooking sector through enhanced private sector participation. The project will provide matching grant financing and technical assistance to small and growing businesses working in clean cooking.
The financing aims to de-risk companies to venture into underserved markets and enhance the affordability and accessibility of clean cooking solutions for at least 60,000 beneficiary households.

- Accelerate adoption of clean cooking solutions in underserved markets.
- Catalyze private sector participation and innovation in clean cooking.
- Strengthen sector coordination and advocate for a conducive policy environment for the clean cooking sector.
Funding is available for private sector companies commercially active in clean cooking across the United Republic of Tanzania, both at the early and growth stages.
Companies proposing project ideas to be implemented outside of Dar-es-Salaam will be prioritized.
Focus Area
Successful private sector companies must deliver affordable, quality clean cooking solutions that benefit low-income customers
in rural areas and towns.Special attention will be paid to ideas that disproportionately benefit women, youth and unserved or underserved markets in Tanzania.
Funding ticket sizes to companies will be under two categories:
Catalytic fund: US$ 50,000 to US$ 75,000 for small companies with an annual turnover of US$ 30,000 to US$ 200,000.
Growth fund: US$ 100,000 to US$ 400,000 for large companies with an annual turnover greater than US$ 200,000.
For both categories, funded companies will be required to contribute cash matching funds of:
- 1:0.4 (AECF: investee if male-owned/managed company)
- 1:0.3 (AECF: investee if female-owned/managed company)
- 1:0.3 (AECF: investee if youth-owned/managed company)*
Eligibility criteria
- The company must be legally registered and physically established in Tanzania by the time of project implementation.
- The company should produce audited accounts for at least two (2) years. Companies with less than two years of market experience but can demonstrate proof of sales in Tanzania or other markets during their period of operation may be considered.
- Be a private sector company with a business goal to increase access to clean cooking energy solutions. Joint ventures are also allowed.
- Be able to request funds within the range of US$ 50,000 – US$ 400,000. This is a non-refundable grant.
- Be able to show commitment (and sources) to provide required match funding.
- Be compliant with Tanzania laws and regulations, including, inter alia, tax compliance. It should also comply with international human rights, labour standards and environmental management laws.
- Not be involved in any act of terrorism or support terrorists’ activities.
- Not be involved in any act of corruption.
- Allow AECF regular due diligence and monitoring visits.
Solutions Supported
Recognizing that several cooking solutions are needed to address the prevalent use of traditional forms of cooking, the project will provide support to a range of clean and improved cooking solutions including:
- Improved cookstoves that meet or exceed Tier 2 fuel use efficiency .i.e. thermal efficiency greater than 25%.
- Clean cookstoves and fuel solutions that meet the Tier 4 threshold for indoor emissions. This includes sustainable fuels, e.g., pellets, briquettes, bioethanol, biogas, and LPG.
- Affordable electric cooking solutions.
- Other technologies that conform to national industry standards for clean cooking.
How to Apply
The application window is now closed.
Contact Us
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Termsheet /Information sheet

Project Brief