• Our Programmes

    Renewable Energy

Ongoing Programmes

    PROSSEV Burkina Faso

    The Promotion of Solar Solutions to Stimulate Green Employment in Burkina Faso (PROSSEV-BF) is a EUR 1.7 million initiative, financed by the Luxembourg Cooperation through LuxDev, which provides a combination of grants and technical assistance to private companies with the ambition to green their production facilities.

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    Our REACT Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) programme aims to bring the benefits of clean energy to off-grid, low-income households.

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    REACT Efficient Electrification Project (EEP) is a partnership between the Ministry of Energy and The AECF, funded by the Swedish Embassy in Burkina Faso.

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    Innovation Fund

    The Innovation Fund is a component of the AECF’s Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Technologies Sub-Saharan Africa Programme (REACT SSA) a US$61 million project funded by Sida.

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    REACT Kenya Relief Fund

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in June 2020 we launched the Kenya REACT Relief Fund to award emergency finance to renewable energy companies that are meeting the energy needs of low-income off-grid households in Kenya.

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    REACT Results-Based Financing (RBF) funded by Sida, is targeting energy companies in Kenya. It aims to expand access to low-cost clean energy for households across the country, with additional incentives for companies to reach the poorest families.

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    REACT SSA Somalia and Somaliland

    The REACT SSA Somalia and Somaliland programme is a US$ 8.5 million fund that seeks to reduce poverty through a transformational increase in the use of renewable energy by off-grid households in the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Somaliland.

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    Tanzania Clean Cooking Project

    The Tanzania Clean Cooking Project (TCCP) is a US$3.75 million three-year project that aims to catalyse the clean cooking sector through enhanced private sector participation.

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Legacy Portfolio

    REACT Household Solar

    Our REACT Household Solar (HS) Programme aims to increase energy access for low-income households, supporting private sector delivery of solar home system products and services.

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    Renewable Energy and Adaptation to Climate Change Window

    Following the early success of AECF’s agriculture investment programmes, the same model was used to support the development of the private sector in renewable energy.

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